Advanced Physiotherapy and Wellness Center

Sports Therapy

Once again, our Physical Therapist will preform an exam on the affected area.  This allows our Physical Therapist to decide the best treatment plan for your injury.  Here at Advanced Physiotherapy, we like to gather data that allows us to set short- and long-term goals for our patient that will allow them the best recovery. 

Advanced Physiotherapy Sports Therapy Objectives

Decrease MPS modalities using manual techniques such as electrical stimulation, shock wave therapy, infrared therapy and heat, or cold.

Improve the range of motion in an affected limb or area with manual techniques such as passive or assisted exercise; and with modalities such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, laser therapy and MPS Dolphin therapy .

Increase strength to a functional level by using free weights, the athlete’s body weight, and static resistance.

Improve agility, reaction time, speed, proprioception, and eventually sport-specific performance in preparation for returning to practice and competition

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601 W Broadway Street
Lenoir City, TN 37771